- Enterprise RPA solution
Amid the emergence of digital innovations and business globalization, technology and services are seeing unprecedented development.
However, there are still some simple and repetitive yet essential tasks that are undermining business efficiency.
If tasks such as article searches, compilation, mailing, and tax invoice issuance and
receipt can be done for staff by bots, a revolutionary advancement in business operations can be achieved.
- We would like to introduce OneQ ON RPA, an RPA solution for business automation.
OneQ ON RPA is an enterprise RPA solution that enables a company’s simple repetitive tasks to be done by robotic software, or “bots,” offering you true smart business automation with various benefits, as outlined below.
- OneQ ON RPA(HANA TI RPA Solution)
Enhanced development productivity and guaranteed quality of processes
To enhance the productivity and quality of business operations, frequently conducted tasks are
designated as “shared tasks” for reuse.
To easily create and increase the readability of a process, flows are done vertically, items and
tasks are arranged automatically for uniformity, and a block function is added to
event items and control statements.
By supporting .Net variables, OneQ ON RPA is able to process data in various forms.
To increase the accuracy of processes, it supports the object recognition of applications
developed on non-standard platforms.
Architecture and functions for stable and efficient operation
WorkCenter, which is a core part of OneQ ON RPA, supports Active-Active High Availability
architecture to maintain constant fault tolerance.
To enable the real-time monitoring and identification of errors, OneQ ON RPA automatically captures
and stores job screens and provides exception handling for any errors.
Efficient operation of resources in a bot operating environment
Licenses of bots and studios are controlled, depending on the number of bots and studios
connected (logged-in, “concurrent licenses”).
Unlike other solutions that match the number of bots to the number of tasks, licenses of bots
that are not logged in can be assigned to other tasks,
allowing for the efficient operation of licenses and reducing purchasing costs.
Licenses can be recognized and reassigned easily on the Bot and Studio screens.
Collaboration between bots
To increase the task efficiency of bots, tasks subsequent to the task currently being executed
by a bot are activated automatically.
In addition, by putting queues on WorkCenter and sending and receiving messages, collaborative
data processing between bots is possible.
Customized to the needs of customers
To satisfy your needs and environments, we offer different types of products: on-premise products that are installed where customers are located and on-demand, pay-per-use products based on a cloud platform.
OneQ ON RPA consists of Studio, Robot, and WorkCenter.
By allowing users to share knowledge through an app repository, OneQ ON RPA helps users achieve business automation easily and efficiently.
Studio is a tool that creates the scripts bots need to function and consist of processes, tasks, and event items, and Robot executes and monitors the progress of automated tasks.
Meanwhile, WorkCenter is a resource manager that controls all RPA resources, including automation, scripts, users, and bots, and monitors and analyzes all tasks.
Multiple bots (up to 100) can be connected to WorkCenter for greater efficiency.
OneQ ON RPA is an RPA solution that processes simple, repetitive tasks, thereby freeing staff to conduct
tasks that produce more added value.
With OneQ ON RPA, you can build a convenient, simplified, and automated business environment.
![System Configuration](/assets/m/images/products/rpa_system_configuration.png)
- 01High usability and convenience with all basic functions
- 02Concentration of functions necessary to use application environment domestically and abroad
- 03Flexible, cloud-based responses to local needs
- 04Reusability of common processes for cost reduction
- 05Increased development productivity and reduced operating costs with a low TCO (total cost of ownership)
If you wish to have detailed consultations or make queries about OneQ ON RPA, please contact us using the contact information provided below.
- Get more about OneQ ON RPA View brochure
- Get free trial and product inquiries Contact