The name “OneQ ON” is a combination of One,
symbolizing the best and integration Q,
implying quick and quality On,
referring to starting something and energy.

The Best
& Integration ONE

One, symbolizing the best and integration

Quick & Quality Q

Q, implying quick and quality

Starting something
& Energy ON

On, referring to starting something and energy

Connection of people,
technology, and culture
A new digital space

“OneQ ON” refers to the connection, coexistence, and extension of all solutions on the basis of a digital platform by combining Hana Financial Group’s digital brand “OneQ” with “ON,” meaning “starting something” and “turning something on (energy).”

In Korean, “ON” means “all” or “whole,” reflecting Hana TI’s commitment to creating a platform that enables people, culture, and technology to interact with one another under its digital vision.

Agile Technology기술

OneQ ON offers super-convergence financial solutions that generate value for customers by harnessing the rapidly changing trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and applying innovative financial technologies, such as AI and Big data, with great agility.

Flexible Culture문화

OneQ ON provides a package of financial solutions that can be organized and used anywhere in any business environment by developing a flexible algorithm that connects customers, technology, and culture based on the vast IT technology and expertise that Hana TI has accumulated in international finance for many years.

Infinite Emotion사람

OneQ ON tracks customers’ journeys using its emotional insight and preemptively meet customer needs, delivering a high level of satisfaction and creating unlimited business possibilities for customers.

Now, OneQ ON is making an ambitious
move by introducing a new paradigm
for financial IT solutions, which are
constantly changing.

Turn “ON” new energy for
your business with OneQ ON.

OneQ ON provides a full range of digital solutions,
from financial IT solutions to new technologies
such as Open API, AI, and Cloud.

Color Palette

  • Hana OneQ Green

    R0 G178 B166

  • Hana OneQ Red

    R239 G69 B103

  • Hana OneQ ON Purple

    R90 G71 B238