Fast and easy EAI solution
Traditionally, the internal systems of a financial company are developed to address specific tasks and operated independently, based on the P2P method.

However, as the scale of systems and services has increased drastically and the integration of on-premises applications has become increasingly complex, driven by the spike in the number of on-premises applications within an enterprise, the efficiency of communication has begun to decline.

Besides the integration of internal applications within an enterprise, connectivity with external programs and applications and integration of multiple channels is essential.
Therefore, the P2P-based communication structure has reached its limit.


The entanglement of numerous non-standardized applications and systems produces overlapping data and communication failures, which affect other systems directly connected to a hub system. Therefore, system integration poses many difficulties.

This problem, which is associated with rapid technological advancement and change, is affecting most large corporations as well as financial companies.

We offer a solution that can address such problems.
OneQ ON EAI enables the flexible, agile, and simple on-premises application integration, seamless connection with external applications, and multi-channel links, through standardization and interface simplification. Specifically,OneQ ON EAI offers you the benefits outlined below.


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Fast and smart integration using various built-in adapters and transactional patterns

OneQ ON EAI supports the dynamic and agile integration of applications and systems within an enterprise in an environment of migration from a legacy mainframe environment to a multi-tier environment. 

In particular, OneQ ON EAI provides standard built-in adapters (HTTP/HTTPS, TCP Socket, FTP/SFTP, database, etc.) and presents various transactional patterns (Sync, Async, Complex, etc.) to ensure smart and robust interoperability.

Reduced system purchase and maintenance costs thanks to the use of open-source software

OneQ ON EAI does not use commercial off-the-shelf products, which often account for large portions of businesses’ budgets, in order to provide integrated services focused on customers. 

OneQ ON EAI was built with optimized architecture using proven open-source software, which reduces the costs of new product purchases and maintenance, alleviates dependence on off-the-shelf products, and strengthens system function and stability.

Web-based, real-time operational control

OneQ ON EAI provides a tool for web-based operational control that is capable of controlling the entire lifecycle of a transaction in a single view, from transaction preparation to transaction completion and statistical data inquiry (i.e., connection between systems and adapters, interface configuration, and transaction log and failure inspection).

The web-based operational tool of OneQ ON EAI offers easy and convenient operational control to increase user convenience, as outlined below:
  • Management of integrated systems
  • In/out adapter control
  • Interface management
    (message format conversion and functions)
  • Message queue management for asynchronous and mixed transaction patterns
  • Monitoring of systems and adapters
  • Access to transaction logs and statistics
    (by time, day, and month)
  • Provision of various simulators
  • Operation in multiple languages (Korean, English, etc.)

High availability and stability

OneQ ON EAI reflects frequent system modifications and additions and all information related to adapters and interfaces readily and seamlessly on a real-time basis. 

Based on technology and expertise accumulated through the building and operation of various systems in the financial industry (banks, credit card companies, savings banks, etc.), we are able to ensure the stability of transactions and systems and high system availability 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


OneQ ON EAI is an interface solution that integrates the complex, distributed individual systems of an enterprise quickly and easily. It is a next-generation OneQ ON EAI product that integrates individual on-premises systems within a company with external systems and various channels, thereby relaying data of different systems in a stable and convenient manner on a real-time basis.

OneQ ON EAI demonstrates the technology, expertise, and experience that we have built up through our work to connect different channels of various branches of banks, credit card companies, and savings banks in 24 countries around the world. As it is based on optimized architectures of various kinds of financial companies, it enables real-time mass message processing.

Moreover, it enables data processing tailored to specific customers’ systems by identifying data patterns of all types of transactions, such as online real-time transactions, batch transactions, and deferred transactions. Agility and flexibility are fully embedded in the design of OneQ ON EAI, allowing it to be applied in industries of the Fourth Industrial Revolution as well as the financial industry.

In particular, OneQ ON EAI was developed to enhance our own financial business efficiency and support service expansion and increase the convenience of our employees. It reflects all of the technology and knowledge we have acquired through our work in the industry, and its functions have been upgraded and improved through continuous R&D activities. Now, we would like to share our technology with customers.

The features listed below enable customized services suitable to customers’ business needs and environments.



  • 01 Channel and system integration in all sectors of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including banks and credit card companies, going beyond the financial industry
  • 02 Real-time incorporation of all additions and modifications without downtime through web-based operational control
    (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
  • 03 Provision of services tailored to the needs of customers


If you wish to flexibly integrate your internal systems or different types of systems or need detailed consultations about OneQ ON EAI, please contact us using the contact information provided below.